Hi 👋🏼 we give you a weekly meditation prompt

Antique singing bowl  with a mallet. Singing bowls meditation

The Body Scan

Tune out distractions while focusing on various areas of your body.
Use this prompts to become more aware of how you are feeling in any given moment.
Relieve excess muscle tension, muscle pain, headaches, and fatigue, and prevent the build-up of pressure.
Duration: Few seconds up to 20 minutes
☀️Get into a comfortable position (seated or lying down)
☀️Close your eyes for a deeper practice.
☀️Starting with your feet and toes, tune into and pay attention to any sensations you feel, like pain or discomfort. You may also notice sensations like tingling, stinging, aching or throbbing.
☀️Take a nice deep breath in through your nose, exhaling through the mouth, releasing the uncomfortable sensation. Allow that area of your body to release, loosen up, and soften.
☀️Work your way up the body, paying attention to how you feel as you focus on the legs, the hips, the back, the stomach, the chest, the neck and shoulders, the arms and hands, and finally the face.